Best Gifts For The Outdoor Hobbyist
Katy NelsonShare
There are so many choices when it comes to outdoor gear. Here are a few simple ideas, ranging from essential to niche, that will help you find the perfect gift for your nature-loving friend or family member!
GPS Beacon/Messenger
For explorers who explore lesser-traveled trails, having extra safety measures in place is a must. With a GPS beacon you can call search-and-rescue, send out your location to friends or family, and send messages through certain satellite networks (pictured above: the Garmin Inreach Mini 2).
Outdoor Logs/Journals
Oftentimes camera equipment or phones can prove to be burdensome and distracting. Having a lightweight way of recording memories can be a great gift to your avid outdoorsman (or woman). They pair great with a hobbyist kit or waterproof pen.
Merino Hiking Socks
These 'Darn Tough' Merino wool blend socks breathe well and easily wick away moisture. Best part? They’re covered by an unconditional lifetime warranty, which means if they ever wear out, Darn Tough will replace them for free.
Treats & Feasts
Have a friend or family member who loves food in nature? These charcuterie kits or delicious s'mores flights are perfect for a tasty break with a natural backdrop.
National Parks Pass
Last but not least, Park Passes are an easy and affordable way to give a little adventure to someone who loves the outdoors. Best thing about the pass? After three park visits, the pass pays for itself!